Other Aber drinking links:
Aberinfo: The guide to Aberystwyth - Neat little site, with a pub crawl map and loads of photos to view. Their pdf pub map of town is really rather good.
There is a new site created by the Ceredigion Local History Forum, which lists almost every known building which was a pub, inn, tavern, etc in the county - over 950 of them!
There is a new site created by the Ceredigion Local History Forum, which lists almost every known building which was a pub, inn, tavern, etc in the county - over 950 of them!
Big Bubbles (No Troubles) - Nostalgic look back at Aber's pubs from the late 80's and early 90's from an ex-students perspective.
A bloke talking to various drunks in various bars I've mentioned. See them here and here and here (first one features Jock, of Kane's!)
A bloke talking to various drunks in various bars I've mentioned. See them here and here and here (first one features Jock, of Kane's!)
General Aber sites:
Aberystwyth Guide - Another excellent guide, listing the lots of things to see and do in the area - all hyperlinked too. Includes excellent restaurants section.
Other beer links:
Beermad - Real ale database, especially useful for trying to remember the name of that last pint you had at the Ship and Castle!
Brew Wales - Beer, brewing, pubs, cider and perry in Wales (mainly south!)
The Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) - Britain's biggest single-issue consumer group, with over 100,000 members. If it wasn't for them, you probably wouldn't be able to get an ale in most town centres today.
Pubs Galore - UK pubs review site. They have the largest list of pubs in the UK kept up-to-date by dedicated members as well as the most comprehensive list of beer festivals in the UK. It's like Beerintheevening, but better and without the rubbish/racism/homophobia. You'll find me there too.
UK Heritage pubs - Find a pub in your home area with a bit of character.
The Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) - Britain's biggest single-issue consumer group, with over 100,000 members. If it wasn't for them, you probably wouldn't be able to get an ale in most town centres today.
Pubs Galore - UK pubs review site. They have the largest list of pubs in the UK kept up-to-date by dedicated members as well as the most comprehensive list of beer festivals in the UK. It's like Beerintheevening, but better and without the rubbish/racism/homophobia. You'll find me there too.
UK Heritage pubs - Find a pub in your home area with a bit of character.
Everything Aberystwyth - A new Aberystwyth guide which is growing all the time, with news, reviews, events, offers and more...